West Virginia Highlands Free Nature Pictures by ForestWander Nature Photography West Virginia Wild and Wonderful

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Nature Pictures of Flowers | ForestWander Nature Photography

Yellow Spring FlowerPassion Pink Spring FlowerGlowing Blue Spring FlowersSpring Macro World Flowers
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Yellow Spring Flower

Yellow Spring Flower

2009-02-17 23:09:05

Silky Smooth Spring Flower

Silky Smooth Spring Flower

2009-02-17 23:05:06

Thorny Purple Wild Flower

Thorny Purple Wild Flower

2009-02-16 19:44:45

Beautiful White Flower

Beautiful White Flower

2009-01-22 02:09:10

Passion Pink Spring Flower

Passion Pink Spring Flower

2009-02-17 23:08:04

Spring Daisy Red

Spring Daisy Red

2009-02-17 20:26:54

Fall Forest Wildflowers

Fall Forest Wildflowers

2009-02-11 23:02:55

Beautiful Pink Spring Flower

Beautiful Pink Spring Flower

2009-01-22 02:09:09

Glowing Blue Spring Flowers

Glowing Blue Spring Flowers

2009-02-17 23:07:05

Purple Wildflower

Purple Wildflower

2009-02-16 20:24:54

Azalea Flowers Pink

Azalea Flowers Pink

2009-01-22 02:09:12

Beautiful Pink Flower

Beautiful Pink Flower

2009-01-22 02:09:08

Spring Macro World Flowers

Spring Macro World Flowers

2009-02-17 23:06:05

Purple Wildflower Rocks

Purple Wildflower Rocks

2009-02-16 20:10:37

Apple Flowers Tree

Apple Flowers Tree

2009-01-22 02:09:11

Big Red Flower

Big Red Flower

2009-01-22 02:09:07

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ForestWander’s Pretty Flower Nature Pictures and High Resolution Photography Mission

Beautiful Flowering Blossom Photographs are always a joy to view and display on a website, book, magazine or on a wall in your home or office. ForestWander offers thousands of wonderful High resolution flower pictures for our visitors to download and use for free in any project. Flowers are everywhere all throughout the year. Depending on where you live flowers of various types can be found in the Summer, Autumn, Winter and especially the Springtime! Flowers are so amazing because they can show many different colors and emanate wonderful fragrant smells.

One of ForestWander’s favorite subjects to take pictures of is Flowers. The beauty that is exhibited from flowers and the various blossoms we see throughout the year make very stunning flower pictures. The beautiful flower pictures we share are up to 21 megapixels at 3744 x 5616 image resolution. At this size the thousands of flowers wallpapers we offer at ForestWander can be used for nearly any project no matter how large. The flower images can be printed as large format posters or beautiful framed flower photography artwork. ForestWander’s flower photography pictures are not low quality any means.

Some websites will offer free versions of their images but in order to get the high resolution version you will need to buy the download. This is where ForestWander is unique; we provide the very highest definition flower pictures processed with professional photography software at the highest quality and resolution possible. We then upload these large format images to our website for all of our visitors to enjoy and use free of charge, all we ask is for a link to our website. If you have a slower internet connection it may take a couple minutes to download the super high resolution flower pictures. Some of the flower images can be up to 20 megabytes or larger depending on the detail in the flower and the color depth.

Many types of flowers are found throughout our region. So many in fact that it is hard to name all of the flowers we have photographed. Often you may find throughout our website that we have not identified many of the flowers because we simply are not aware of what they are named. The flower images may simply be named Blue Flower, Pretty Red Flower, White Flowers or Beautiful Pink Flower in order to help identify the flowers to browsers who are searching for specific flower colors. As we gather more flower images and pictures we are learning the flower names little by little. If you happen to know the names of any of the flowers that we have posted throughout ForestWander please make a comment just under the flower image in the comment box to help our visitors know the flower name.

Flower Names and their Meaning

One of my personal favorite flowers is a little bluish colored flower called a Periwinkle. For a long time I had no idea what this flower was called but it reminded me of a little flower called a Forget Me Not, so you may see these flowers improperly named. Please feel free to correct me in the comment section; I am not too proud to take advice and correction. Other favorites included are found often more in greenhouses and around neighborhood yards is the Pansy flower. Pansies are very beautiful flowers and I simply love how they blend their colors from various colored pansies in which they have interbred.

It is very interesting that flower names are not simply scientific labels but have true meaning associated with the name of the flower. For instance the pretty little Periwinkle flower has the meaning “Sweet Remembrance”. Maybe that is why I thought it was called a Forget Me Not. The little Pansy flower also has a unique meaning which is simply “Thought”. When I look at these flower pictures (yes, I browse my own website at times) they do make me consider the Lilies of the field. The ever popular Perpetual Rose flower (which just about everyone adores) stands for “Unfading Beauty”, as these flower blossoms last virtually all season long and do come back every year, and when well taken care of can last decades.

The rosebud bush is a welcome sight after winter has past and the blooms are beginning to emerge in early spring. This wonderful flowering bush has the meaning “Young Girl”, which is intriguing to young men at this time of year. Lilac has such a wonderful smell of natural perfume and fragrance, although this is not one of my favorite flowers for flowers pictures the sweet fragrance of this flower is simply amazing. The flower name for the white Lilac actually means “Youth”. The Wild Rose is one of my favorites simply because it is found thriving in many locations without the tender care of a man or woman, but is simply cared for by the master gardener. The meaning of the name for the Wild Rose is “Poetry”. I have considered how many love poems, songs and works of art have been inspired by rose flowers. The plain Rose flower or Rosa is accompanied by the most fitting meaning of “Beauty”.

Although many floral shops and greenhouses display wonderful flowers each year it is always an amazing sight to see wild flowers growing in nature without the aid of mankind. One of the most fragrant and wild growing flowers that fills the air in spring and summer is the wild Honeysuckle flower. The name Honeysuckle means “Bonds of Love” which is appropriately attributed to this vine type of plant that twists and turns growing in and out of anything it can wrap around. Around the same time the Honeysuckle is beginning to grow one of the first signs of flowers in the spring season is another of my favorites, the Daffodil. The Daffodil flower gives those who have endured yet another winter the hope that springtime is certainly on its way. However the Daffodil flowers name means “Deceitful Hopes”. I can understand why the Daffodil would be named this as often many times I have seen Daffodils springing up from the ground in late winter only to see a heavy snow fall before spring actually arrives. Nonetheless they are beautiful and always remind me of the resurrection as these begin to come to life around the Easter holiday. Daffodils are often mislabeled Easter Lilies however they are not Easter Lilies. The Easter Lily flower bloom is long like a trumpet and displays a bright spotless white color. Appropriately named an Easter Lily bears the meaning “Majesty” as this beautiful flower is truly majestic.

Tulips are among some of the coveted flowers in the world. Would you like to guess where the Tulip flower capitol of the world is?… Yep, that’s right you guessed it, Holland. Holland exports more Tulips than any other place in the world. Although these flowers do not produce the strong sweet smells as many other flowers, their beauty and resilience is highly respected in the floral world. Many Tulip gardens have several colors and sizes exhibited once these blossoming beauties have sprang from their bulbs deep in the protective earth. The meaning of the name Tulip stands for “Declaration of Love” and this is well fitting for a flower that is often given on or around Valentine’s Day.

Lavender is another fragrant smelling flower that is so widely known for its wonderful scent that many have chosen this flower for perfume, soaps, lotions and powders. Amazing that no matter how much we try the fragrance form a flower cannot be completely reproduced, although the science of perfumery can come very close, the exact scent and mixture of flower fragrance is known only to one. Although Lavender has a wonderful smell it is not my favorite flower to photograph. The blossoms are small and unless these bushy flowering plants are together in a large group the composition of Lavender in a flower picture is not very appealing. Although Lavender has a wonderful smell and fragrance it has a not so appealing meaning to its name which is “Distrust”.

One of the most wonderful smelling flowers is Lilac. The name of the Lilac flower stands for “Earliest Love”, which is an appropriate name for such a wonderful smell. The smell which emanates from this flower is sweet as candy. I once picked some of this and brought it in to the house to give to my wife, and I put it on the shelf above the sink. The wonderful smell from this flower lasted for a week or more. The blossoms from these flowers are not very large, although together they form large clumps that are pretty to look upon. However they are not my favorite flowers to photograph as my favorites are large blooms that have many details such as a rose, tulip or Easter Lily.

Sunflowers are a spectacular sight to see, especially the large mammoth sunflowers which can reach heights of 9 feet. The blooms of these large varieties of flowers can be 12 inches across, and I have seen some that are even larger. Believe me the bird’s love these flowers because they are packed with seeds. The seed from sunflowers can be quite healthful and if properly prepared make a tasty snack! When these appear in a field or garden with many other sunflowers this will make a wonderful composition to photograph. By the way the name of the sunflower happens to mean “False Riches”.

Poppies are considered the flower of “Ephemeral Charms”. These beautiful flowers are found all throughout Asia where they are cultivated to make opium. No wonder they are called the flower of ephemeral charm. These are very pretty flowers despite their ill intended use by some. Wonderfully vibrant red colors surround an interesting seeded center bloom. This delicate flower is often used to decorate outdoor gardens and roadsides and is considered a type of wildflower rather than a domesticated variety. Poppy flowers will often be found bundled with other wildflowers in bouquets.

The Iris is a wonderful flower to photograph. The shapes and colors of the Iris are simply amazing. I have some that grow around my yard and my neighbor has them all over the place. They smell like grape kool aide when they are in full bloom. The name for the Iris flower means “Message”.

Violets are very difficult to take care if they are not properly feed and given the correct amount of light. I have seen some people who take great pride in growing violets and have them all over the inside of their homes. These types of flowers really do best indoors for the region where I live. It is doubtful that a violet could ever survive a frost. The meaning of the name violet is “Modesty”.

Another flower that is beautiful in size and shape and a pleasure to photograph is the Orchid flower. This unusually shaped flower comes in many shapes and sizes and in my perception is common with death and funerals. However the name Orchid means “Testicle” and its history is one of lust, greed and wealth.

The forests around my region have a pretty wild flower that grows near the forest floor. They are called the Trillium flower and they typically are found in the Appalachian mountain areas. Though they may grow elsewhere they are particularly noticed around this region. These pretty white flowers seem like a delicate touch of beauty among the rugged wilderness.

Impatiens or touch me not, means “Impatience”. These are some of the heartiest flowers to grow seasonally around our region. They especially do well if you can plant these where they will receive nighttime light from a street lamp or a porch light that stays on most of the night. For some reason they really seem to like this extra light. At one point my wife and I had impatiens that were 3 feet tall or more. What a beautiful subject these flowers can be to photograph. The multiple colors they display are simply wonderful.

Another wildflower that grows literally like a weed throughout yards and lawns just about everywhere is the Dandelion which means “Oracle”. Many people spend a fortune trying to kill these flowers with weed killers and chemicals but they always seem to comes right back. Now there are two forms that the dandelion flower takes. One is the pretty golden yellow flower that is flat and brightly colored. The other is the form it takes when it is getting ready to seed. Once your Dandelion has gotten to this stage you may as well forget killing it because the seeds spread everywhere through the air and wind. These are a pleasure to photograph in my opinion because they have a type of simple wild elegance about them. My grandmother used to actually eat Dandelion greens when she cooked. Of course she grew up before the great depression and they had very little and made use of what they had. Seems to me we could take some lessons from the Dandelion flower.

Mountain Laurel is one of my favorite flowers to photograph. Simply because of the fact that I once discovered a wonderful place called Dolly Sods in the high mountains of West Virginia. Dolly Sods is covered with mountain Laurel and is truly the closest place to heaven I have ever seen in my physical body. When you walk the northland loop at the right time of year you will see fields upon fields of pink mountain laurel all around filled with butterflies, bees and bunny rabbits. It is just a wonderful sight to see and photograph.

The state flower of West Virginia is the Rhododendron. Although this flowering bush is mostly from the North Carolina area, it has been adopted as the state flower for West Virginia. If you would like to see the most beautiful and largest Rhododendrons in West Virginia, the best place to go is Grandview state park. Here you will see Rhododendron bushes that are twenty feet tall or more. They are truly an amazing sight to see. I have a picture that was taken of one of the Rhododendron flowers growing there and the flower bloom is literally as big as my hand.

Holidays – Mothers Day and Saint Valentine’s Day

It is wonderful that flowers are so often associated with love, and Saint Valentine’s Day is probably the most busy flower sales day throughout the year next to Mother’s Day. Without knowing the exact statistics, it is easy to guess that Valentine’s Day would outperform Mother’s Day. This is simply because just about every guy buys flowers for his sweet heart as well as his mother. But not all sweet hearts are mothers, (btw, every husband should buy his wife flowers on Mother’s Day if she is a mother) and Mothers Day is more specifically an American holiday. In contrast St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated internationally in many other areas of the world. We could even consider Christmas as a holiday for buying flowers because of the Red Poinsettia flower that is sold this time of year. Regardless of which Holiday is the most popular for flower sales, flower pictures are popular all year long. Flower pictures can be used in calendars, booklets and brochures, advertisements, websites, greeting cards, postcards or simply as framed flower art to decorate your home or office.

April Showers Bring May Flowers so Spring Time is Here!

In the springtime we find blooms of all colors, shapes and sizes throughout the forest, as well as at our local greenhouse. I know it seems to be cheating by going to a local greenhouse and taking pictures, but some of the most beautiful flower pictures I have even taken have been from our local greenhouse. Simply locating parks and recreation areas provide ForestWander some of the best locations for flower photography. I simply love finding new places that are local to my area to photograph. Many times I will see a wonderful flower garden in someone’s yard and go up to the door and ask if I can take some pictures of their flowers. Most people welcome me to take pictures of the flowers and gardens they have worked so hard to design.

Summer Flowers

In the early and mid summer we like to travel to the mountains where the temperatures are not as hot. The mountainous areas display wonderful arrays of Mountain Laurel, Wild Azaleas and one of the most beautiful flowers in our region the Rhododendron. Around July is the best time of the season for Mountain laurel photography. We are certain to find just about every flower imaginable at your local greenhouse later in the summer. I always make sure to ask first, every year and I always make certain I stay out of the customers way when taking flower pictures.