West Virginia Highlands Free Nature Pictures by ForestWander Nature Photography West Virginia Wild and Wonderful

All Original Free Nature Pictures by the Nature Photographer Team ForestWander Nature Photography Pictures of Waterfalls, Flowers, Wildlife, Mountains, Creeks and Streams, Country Churches, Skies, Hiking Trails  Go to Heaven "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."


Heavenly Sunlight Glory Divine

Heavenly Sunlight Glory Divine

Walking in sunlight all of my journey, Over the mountains, through the deep vale; Jesus has said, I’ll never forsake thee Promise divine that never can fail.

Heavenly Sunlight in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/22.6 | Image Exposure Time: 1/10 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 58 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0.5 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Giant Jack o Lantern Mushroom

Giant Jack o Lantern Mushroom

I found this giant Jack o Lantern mushroom at the base of this large oak tree. This mushroom is literally 15 inches across and theoretically will glow in the dark somewhat once the sun sets. The scientific name is Omphalotus olearius and the unique property of glowing in the dark is called bioluminescence. Similar to the ability that a firefly has to glow at night.
    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/32 | Image Exposure Time: 30 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 180 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Fly Praying Macro

Fly Praying Macro

This little fly was maybe 1/5 inch long and landed on this flower pistol. I positioned my tripod in an attempt to capture it with a macro lens and my efforts paid off. If you look closely you can see the individual eye lenses on this hover fly’s eyes. Seems pretty surreal to me, it looks as if it praying with its hands. Hope you like it.
    Picture Height: 2302 pixels | Picture Width: 3294 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/4 | Image Exposure Time: 1/250 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 180 mm | Film Speed ISO: 800 | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Focus Mode: Manual Focus | Lens Model: 180mm | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Image Saturation Level: High | Photo White Balance: Auto | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Summer Flower Macro

Summer Flower Macro

A small summer flower macro photo cropped to show the greater detail of the flower, isolating the flower with extreme bokeh. Even the slightest amount of wind would cause this little flower to move so I used a stick to prop against the stem to hold it still. I like to get the most detail possible in the full size image.
    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/20 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 105 mm | Photo Exposure Value: -1 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Considering Busy Honey Bee Macro

Considering Busy Honey Bee Macro

I love to take the time to simply watch a honey bee work. They stay ever so busy and it reminds me of the scripture regarding the ant. The Bible tells us to consider her ways and be wise. I think this bee is wise because it is preparing.
    Picture Height: 3402 pixels | Picture Width: 5088 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/4.8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/1000 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 105 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


The Lords Flower

The Lords Flower

2 Chronicles 4:21
The flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, made he of gold, and that perfect gold
    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/30 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 84 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Sunburst Summer Flower

Sunburst Summer Flower

Sunburst Summer Flower. A wonderfully colored flower looks like a burst from the summer sun. Orange, Red and Yellow colors abound from this magnificent specimen of the Lord’s Handywork.
    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/30 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 84 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Bumble Bee Summer Clover

Bumble Bee Summer Clover

A large bumble bee gathering the abundant nectar from a summer clover flower. In the background a small blue field flower brightens the aspect of this picture.
    Picture Height: 2770 pixels | Picture Width: 3706 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/180 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 105 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Hoverfly Flower Macro

Hoverfly Flower Macro

Hover-fly landed on a small flower gathering nectar in the summertime. These little bees are tiny but at least they stay still for a little bit, at least long enough to get their picture. It is amazing what can be seen in the world below our feet if we stop to look we will see many wonders of creation.
    Picture Height: 1984 pixels | Picture Width: 2826 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/5.7 | Image Exposure Time: 1/350 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 105 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |


Rain Drops Summer Flowers

Rain Drops Summer Flowers

Rain drops decorate these summer flowers with glistening water drops around the colorful flower blossoms. April Showers certainly do bring beautiful May Flowers.
    Picture Height: 3744 pixels | Picture Width: 5616 pixels | Lens Aperture: f/8 | Image Exposure Time: 1/20 sec | Lens Focal Length mm: 88 mm | Photo Exposure Value: 0 EV | Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Photo White Balance: 0 | Color Space: sRGB | ForestWander Nature Photography: ForestWander Nature Photography | ForestWander: ForestWander.com |
