Spring Flowers are Coming Early!
Spring Flowers are Coming Early!
Early on in the spring some flowers begin to show in March or even February if you are observant and look closely for the signs. Even though early signs of spring flowers may be slight they are possible to be seen when looking for certain characteristics and details.
One of the first indications that spring flowers are coming are the small green pointed shoots starting from the ground in late winter early spring. Although at this time there may still be snow on the ground, early spring flowers have a natural calendar that alerts the flowers that it is time to awake from their long winter sleep.
Creeping Phlox – (Phlox Stolonifera)
Creeping phlox bloom early and are recognized as a staple spring flower. Creeping phlox are ground dwelling herb type perennial flowers, which return year after year. They are native to the woodland areas of the Virginia and Carolina mountain areas. The multi-colored blossoms come in many shades of white, purple, pink and other wonderful colors. Though the flowers are relatively small, they grow in bunches and great numbers while creating a beautiful display in lawns and gardens.
Alphabetized List of Names of Spring Flowers
Anemone – Buttercup, Ranunculaceae Azalea – Ericaceae, Pentanthera/Tsutsuji Begonia – Begoniaceae Bleeding heart – Lamprocapnos spectabilis Calla Lily – Easter Lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica Creeping Phlox – Phlox stolonifera Crocus – Iris Family Iridaceae Daffodil – Easter Bell, Narcissus Dahlia – Asteraceae Daisy – Bellis perennis Gardenia – Rubiaceae Hyacinth – Baby’s Breath, Hyacinthaceae Impatiens – touch-me-nots, Balsaminaceae |
Lilac – Oleaceae Lily of the Valley – Convallaria majalis, Ruscaceae Magnolia – Magnoliaceae Mountain Laurel – Spoonwood, Kalmia latifolia, Ericaceae Blueberry Family Pansy – Violaceae, Viola wittrockiana Peony – Paeoniaceae Petunia – Solanaceae Primrose – Primula vulgaris Tulip – Tulipa gesneriana Tiger Lily – Lilium catesbaei Rhododendron – Ericaceae Vinca – Periwinkle, genus Catharanthus Wisteria – Fabaceae |
Creeping phlox are very strong growing plants. Once they are established and
well rooted phlox can withstand considerable cutting throughout the rest of the
season. They do thrive best in an area that is shady with well drained soil, and
thus make an excellent ground cover around the base of trees and shrubs.
A welcome advantage of these quick growing plants is the more they are cut back,
the more vigorously they spread, this is likely where they get their name.
Creeping phlox many times are seen dangling from rock walls and often spread
around the base of larger shrub plants in order to naturally restrict weeds from
over growing around flower gardens.
Tulips – (Tulipa Gesneriana)
Tulip flowers represent another very well loved
spring flower which
bloom relatively early. Similar to the characteristic early blooming of the
daffodil flower, tulip bulbs hide in their buried bulbs in the ground each
winter. Since tulips are a bulb type perennial spring flower, this gives them an
early advantage over other spring flowers. These spring flowers belong to the
flower species of the family Liliaceae. An amazing thing about Tulip flowers is
their native range which extends a massive region from northern Africa to
northwestern China. Tulips are grown in flower gardens, cultivated in flower
pots and are often sold in retail commercial flower stores as freshly cut
bouquets for Valentines day and Mothers day.
Since Tulips are a bulb type flower they are a perennial and most often come
back year after year for many years. Early in the spring season their green
flower foliage can be seen coming through the ground in early spring and late
winter. These wonderful spring blooming flowers come in many vibrant bright
colors. They can grow very short and small in stature or they also can grow in a
long stemmed larger variety of Tulips. The beautiful blossoms from the Tulip are
typically shaped like a cup with a wax like outside coating. Tulips have few
distinct leaves compared to other types of flowers and do not emit much of a noticeable pungent fragrance as many other fragrant flowers.
Tulips require a considerable period of dormancy through the winter in order to
thrive. This means they will grow best in the hills and lower mountain range
areas which have long cooler spring seasons and earlier ending summers to
accommodate long cold winters. If Tulips are grown in very warm regions they
often will need to be replanted.
A few interesting facts about the Tulip flower are; Tulips derive their name
from a Persia origin which implies the meaning or a Turban. It is also common
knowledge that Holland is considered the largest commercial Tulip producer in
the world. Several varieties of Tulips are grown and cultivated in this area
then shipped to many other countries. Although some countries have more Tulips
per square mile in the spring seasons than Holland, perhaps the fact that they
sell so many tulips is why the Netherlands are deemed the world’s greatest
commercial Tulip producer.
Tulips are beautiful spring flowers which can be started from seeds or cut clones. An offset is a type of genetic clone, when a flower cutting from a another plant is used to regenerate a start
of a plant. This botanical method produces a flower with the same exact genetic characteristics as its mother plant. When cultivators grow Tulips from seed the germination and growth require five to eight years prior before tulips begin to
flower. This is the primary reason professional botanists utilize clones and offsets in order to produce flowering plants in as little as 1 year. However, it is also important to consider that growing Tulips from seed generally produces a
much greater variety in genetics, disease resistance and newer colored hybrids.
Daffodil – (Easter Bell, Narcissus)
Daffodils are some of the earliest spring flowers to come back through winters ground in early spring. These lovely flowers are usually the first recognizable signs of spring flowers that
show in late February or early March. One should look very closely near the ground for green shoots pointing up through the foliage. These shoots will often stick out from frost or snow covered ground and press their way through leaves
and other ground cover. The early spring growth starts from a buried bulb which is protected many inches below the ground surface. Daffodil flower bulbs are similar to onion bulbs and have been mistaken for wild onion bulbs.
Unfortunately, historically they have been a cause for poisoning, since daffodils contain a poisonous toxin. After many weeks seeing green shoots from the bulb, the daffodil blossoms will begin to open.
Daffodils are a brilliant yellow colored flower and are often seen in large
clustered groups throughout the countryside and farms. Sometimes referred to as
an Easter lily, the daffodil flower is from the family of the Narcissus flower
species of spring flora. A common name that is much more accurate has been given
to these early spring flowers, Easter Bell. This name originates from Germany’s
cultural region. Daffodils have a long trumpet type shaped center which is
surrounded by six small floral leaves often of the same yellow color, but these
colors may vary and show as white in some due to hybrid interbreeding of this
There are many varieties of early spring flowers which are adored by flower
growers in many regions. The spring season is a wonderful time of the year;
which brings a lovely, fresh and welcome sight of colorful flowers after a long
gray winter. It is important to enjoy these times each spring as the colors of spring flowers and various scents in your region come to life. If everyone will set aside a few minutes throughout their days and weeks in the spring season, to enjoy and take in the new life all around. These benefits from the springing of new life can invigorate your mind and senses.