June 4, 2009

Digital Photography Glossary

Filed under: Nature Photography Articles — ForestWander @ 4:05 pm

Can’t remember the difference between a pixel and a bit? Resolution and resampling? Turn here for a quick refresher on that digital photography term that’s stuck somewhere in the dark recesses of your brain and refuses to come out and play.


Photography contests and sponsors for contests

Filed under: Nature Photography Articles — ForestWander @ 4:03 pm

Throughout the internet there are several types of photography contests. If you are a novice, amateur or a professional there are contests for any category that you would like to pursue. It is important that you are cautious about where you sign up and provide details when submitting information and your work to photography contests. You should do some preliminary investigation of the site that is sponsoring the photography contest. Make certain the contest offering is not a scam to simply get your personal information and steal your identity and your work. It is best to submit your work and details to a well-known entity and site. Many websites that sponsor “contests” are using that as a method to get you to pay for their membership once they have “approved” your work.


Almost Heaven Photography in West Virginia

Filed under: Nature Photography Articles — ForestWander @ 3:59 pm

West Virginia is one of the most beautiful states in America for site seeing and outdoor recreation. Throughout the state, there are many parks and forests that you can visit within a relatively short time. West Virginia is diverse and unique in landscapes and scenery because of the rural areas that continue to be unpopulated and remote from industrial society’s scenery pollution. Anyone who has ever been to West Virginia and explored the vast parks, and forests the state has to offer realize why the state is deemed “Almost Heaven”. All the way from the New River Gorge and Bluestone area in southern West Virginia to the Dolly Sods and Black Water Falls parks in the northern parts of the state West Virginia has anything that the outdoor enthusiast could ever want.


January 1, 2009

Seneca Creek West Virginia a modern day Eden

Filed under: Nature Photography Articles — ForestWander @ 9:34 am

The Place

During the modern technology age that we live in today it would seem unlikely to find a place that is seemingly untouched that flourishes with abundant wildlife and nature scenery around every turn. Nestled alongside a country forest road in one of the most remote areas of West Virginia is a modern day Garden of Eden known as Seneca Creek.


December 23, 2008

Selecting Wildlife Photo Equipment

Filed under: Nature Photography Articles — ForestWander @ 9:54 am

Thankfully my nature photography has allowed me to build up a small budget that I will be using in the coming year to expand into the semi-professional field.
