Glade Creek Grist Mill Babcock State Park West Virginia
The Glade Creek Mill in Babcock State Park West Virginia is one of the most recognized icons of West Virginia.
Babcock state park is probably the most desired destination of fall leaf peepers in West Virginia because of the unique old fashioned setting that the grist mill and surrounding forest provides.
This mill stands as a monument to over 500 grist mills that milled flour at the turn of the twentieth century. In the early 1900’s the railroads started providing mass produced flour and reduced the need for the time consuming process of manually grinding and transporting flour.
The Grist Mill at Glade creek still demonstrates the production of flour, and has done so since 1976 when it was constructed from three different mills. Stoney Creek Gristmill provided the basic structure, Spring Run Grist Mill provided the overshot wheel after the main building was destroyed in a fire and other parts came from Onego Grist Mill which was originally near Seneca Rocks, West Virginia.
Babcock State Park is one of West Virginia’s most attractive and scenic parks. There are trails and cabins for rent in the park year around.
For more pictures
ForestWander Nature Photography