The Last Child in the Forest

The Last ChildBy: ForestWander
With the modern invent of video games and virtual reality, outdoor activity has become the least of priorities in a child’s daily routine.

In the days of not so long ago; the thought of getting to go outside and play had such a pull that nothing could stop a child. Whether it was rain, snow, sleet, cold or wind these words would echo through America’s homes on any given afternoon or weekend, “Mom can I go outside and play”? With expecting hopes the children would listen for the reply “sure, but stay where I can see you”!

In today’s world however grounding for punishment is not making a child stay in their room and not get to go outside; it is taking away whatever the latest video console or virtual reality player is for a week’s time.

Is this not a means of brainwashing our children right before our eyes? If all they are exposed to are preconceived images of what reality is, then are they not being shaped to a reality that is made by men rather than how they are naturally intended to grow up?

Sure there are video games that have real interaction and provide a better work out than most of us would get at the local gym. However, the work out is synthesized by pixels and the movements calculated 1000 times per second by sensors attached to the body. None of this fosters a genuine experience with fresh air that has just left the leaves of the surrounding trees and vegetation nor can it provide the natural benefits of true sunlight shining down from the sky above.

With families becoming less and less involved with nature and clinging more to technology and convenience where does that leave the children of future generations? In this humble writers opinion it leaves them obese, unhealthy and un-natural children which are poorly prepared for reality in the event that technology fails to meet its expectations.

Child obesity in America has risen to a staggering 16% and to an even higher 33% in adults which causes a domino affect for future generations.

Unhealthy weight gain, poor diet and lack of exercise contribute to over 300,000 deaths each year. Are we leading our children down a path that is irreversible once it has gone so far? Is there still hope?

Well, this writer would like to think so. There is a natural draw to the outdoors and the wilderness. The beauty of creation and the splendors of wildlife are unparalleled no matter how well they are imitated or virtualized. Even Jesus himself said that King Solomon in all his riches was not as beautiful, and well cared for as one of the lilies in a field.

No matter ho much technology tries to recreate the beauty of creation and the colors of a flower; it simply is just not the same as seeing it in person. To look at a waterfall picture and imagine what it would be like; to really be in front of it with the roaring sounds of the water crashing down the rocks, and the watered misty breeze blowing across your face, cannot be truly recreated in your living room. Even if we could would you really want to?

How far will it be in the future, when the days of being at harmony with nature will be folklore and legend? It does not have to be this way, and it is up to you to prevent it, and grab this out of control beast by the horns by taking your children outside training them to love nature all over again just as they were intended to do.

If your kids are like mine and none are really that different, they will learn best by seeing you the adult going back out into the forest and taking leisurely walks, to calm down your frustrated business mind. No wonder everyone is so hateful and wound up tight, you must take the time to stop and smell the roses before they are all gone.

Studies have shown that children learn more about science, and can begin to actually apply the chemistry and physics that are learned in the classroom when they can get outside and truly apply these theories to real life situations that relate to agriculture and wildlife impacts.

We can all make an impact on the future of our loved one’s by giving them a gift that will continue to nurture them for years to come if we begin now by exploring the closest State or National Forest. Sure making a conservation donation helps but without you spending your hard earned money to actually enjoy it and reap the health benefits for you and future generations what is the use?

Do I practice what I preach? Well, the simple answer to this is yes! Take a moment to consider the beauty that is displayed at this website which is dedicated to glorifying the creation around us. My son and I have hiked dozens of miles throughout the forests in West Virginia over the past several years seeing, smelling and touching the wonderful beauty that God has given us to enjoy. I hope and pray that this will be something that is embedded in his heart, that he will pass on to his children and his children’s children by not only telling the stories of the adventures we have experienced but actively taking a part in their future; taking his children out into the wilderness to explore the wonders of this beautiful earth.

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